UK Plastic Industry Awards 2014

The Awards Ceremony took place on 24th October in the Hilton on Park Lane, in London. Hosted by the comediant and TV presenter - Al Murray - this year's award was a sell-out, held in fronto of 800 guests.

This year's ceremony featured a brand new category - Best Recycled Plastic Product of the Year - won by Logoplaste UK and Ecover for the Ocean Bottle, made with plastic waste fished out of the sea.


Manufacturer Logoplaste UK won the new category Best Recycled Plastic Product of the Year, for a packaging project with Ecover using ocean-derived waste plastic. The plankton-inspired product design used biomimicry thinking which helped to optimise the mechanical performance of the bottle as well as reinforce an important environmental message about marine life. Logoplaste UK also won the Best Environmental or Energy Efficiency Programme category for the second year in a row, in recognition of its commitment to material and carbon reduction across all its plants. This included zero-to-landfill initiatives and product light-weighting.

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