Logoplaste apprentices UK

Five apprentices are currently employed by Logoplaste UK:

2 – Leeds
2 – Thurrock
1 – Coleford

All are studying towards an electrical engineering apprenticeship.

Recruitment of apprentices involves an assessment day; including interview and testing. Tests Include team work, engineering, maths, language and practical technical skills. Test results and overall interview results and notes make up the final individual score for each applicant.

Each college year normally begins in the first week of September. Apprentices spend their first year at college full time, visiting their specific Logoplaste site during their first week to complete Logoplaste induction and Health & Safety training. Any college breaks are spent working alongside the Logoplaste technical team.

Also, the Logoplaste Apprentices participate in the UK challenge – UK’s number 1 corporate team building event that challenges teams intellectually, strategically and physically.

Each team relies on their teamwork, communication and ability to work under pressure to solve clues, decipher codes and complete puzzles in a bid to outsmart their rivals and complete a series of missions in the least amount of time possible.

The Logoplaste UK team has been in training for the event since February 2015 and met for their first team building exercise in June 2015.

The UK Challenge took place in the Lake District from the 9th -12th July 2015.


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