HolyGrail 2.0

Sustainability is together

At Logoplaste, we like to innovate and be part of solutions that are for the greater good. This is something we do since 1976.

To establish a true Circular Economy we need to improve recycling rates so closed loops are viable in the long run.

This is why we are excited to be part of the HolyGrail 2.0 initiative, and have been since version 1.0 HolyGrail uses digital watermarks (imperceptible codes embedded on the bottle surface) to allow sorting equipment to recognize, and separate, each type of plastic into a dedicated stream and improve efficiency and quality.

Our contribution focuses on developing technology to embed holograms into the molds, this way when a bottle is produced it is automatically coded for better sorting, which leads to high-quality recycling rates.

Digital Water Marks

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