Market segments

Logoplaste manufactures rigid plastic packaging for global brands, and we do it in the most sustainable way possible

Rigid plastic packaging for essential products

Bottle Dairy 03
Bottle Dairy 02
Bottle Dairy 01


Dairy covers a multitude of products, each with unique characteristics. Milk, yogurt, kefir—different products require different levels of protection. We combine our best technical solutions with our most imaginative designs, to deliver custom dairy packaging that meets the specific needs of each product and brand.
Bottle Food 03
Bottle Food 02
Bottle Food 01


Food is a passion! We’re always excited to design specialized packaging that can protect and preserve the snacks, treats, and staples we all love so much. Food packaging must do more than protect its cargo — it must comply with a host of regulations that ensure food safety and consumer protection. It is a challenging market, with ever-changing demands, but we love it because it keeps us sharp and delivers joy to the world.
Home 003
Bottle Homecare 02
Bottle Homecare 01

Home care

Done right, home care packaging can help make chores easier, cleanup faster, and products last longer. Home care packaging is part of people’s routines, the hard ones, so it has to be functional and stand up to abuse. Our home care packaging helps define global brands and put innovative, utilitarian designs in the consumer's hands. Maintaining our lead takes rapid prototyping, fast time to market, and the ability to scale on demand.
Personal 03
Bottle Personal Care 05 (1)
Personal 01

Personal care

This is a fun segment to work for. The aesthetics, personality, and brands that define personal care products inspire our designers and, sometimes, push our materials science to the limit. Art rarely trumps ROI though, even in cosmetics and personal care. Every package we design and manufacture must balance character with functionality and sustainability … even the really pretty ones.
Bottle Spirits 02
Bottle RTD 01
Bottle Spirits 01


From bottled water, soda, soft drinks, energy drinks … the hard seltzer to iconic spirits. For most beverage packaging, weight and functionality rule. But Logoplaste’s customers need packaging that embodies their brand’s personality, bottles that communicate all on their own. Reimagining and manufacturing bottles with a short life span is the kind of challenge Logoplaste designers love.
Bottle Pharma 04
Bottle Personal Care 02
Bottle Pharma 01


Pharmaceutical packaging has a host of technical and regulatory requirements. Moisture, light, and oxygen can all degrade pharmaceuticals, plus packaging must protect the contents from tampering and provide clear evidence to the consumer if the package has been opened or altered. We’re able to provide custom plastic packaging solutions for pharma that combine utility, performance, and brand identity, all at lower costs.
Bottle Agro 03
Bottle Agro 02
Bottle Agro 01


Chemicals come in many forms and wildly different compositions. Meeting technical specifications and approval for agrochemical packaging requires product-by-product customization. Logoplaste Mother Plants can stand up rapid prototypes and begin mass production in a matter of weeks. Over the long term, embedded, wall to wall factories are best suited for low waste/high production plastic packaging manufacturing for agrochemicals.

Global reach

All our plants serve Blue Chip customers

Cautious about commitment?

Yes, we invented embedded, wall to wall plants. But we don’t have to move-in together to work together. Our Mother Plants are at your command for rapid prototyping, short runs, and large volume manufacturing.

See what we can do for you
Case Study



Wall to wall

Wall to wall





Fully dedicated

Fully dedicated



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