Waste Free Oceans (WFO) in Portugal

On the 28th of March 2012, WFO Foundation launched the project "Leixões Oceans without waste", and showed the first demonstration of floating litter collection in Portugal (Porto) in collaboration with Lipor (Intermunicipal Waste Management of Greater Porto) and APIP (The Portuguese Plastic Industry Association). Different kind of marine litter can be found in the seas: from kitchen waste trough fishing nets to drifting oil. Not all waste can be recycled but there is definitely high potential in marine litter and the participants had the chance to see the process of collection with the THOMSEA Trawl 2T in the Duero river.

Logoplaste today is committed to improving the environment and is building its efforts. This initiative aims to contribute to sensitize the society and authorities to the importance of keeping the oceans free of debris being a contribution to preserving biodiversity and marine ecosystems.

There were several personalities who were present during the launch of WFO Portugal: Mr. Manuel Pinto de Abreu (Secretary of the State), Mr. Tiago Pitta e Cunha (Counsellor to the President of the Republic), Mr Alexandre Dangis (Waste Free Oceans Director), Mr. João Pedro Matos Fernandes (Chairman of the Administration Board of the Leixões Port), Mr. Fernando Leite (Managing Director of Lipor) and Mr. Marcel de Botton (Our Chairman and APIP President). Mr. Marcel de Botton noted:

"Waste Free Oceans Portugal is the correct initiative to connect the Industry with the Portuguese fisheries sector and recyclers. People will see that by connecting these actors we can develop a strategy to help the environment and make our activities more sustainable".

Waste Free Oceans Foundation (WFO) is a ground breaking public-private initiative aimed at mobilizing and uniting the fisheries sector and the international plastics industry in combating the growing issue of floating litter on the coastlines, at the rivers and in the seas. Various projects were launched in Europe (France, Belgium and Spain) during 2011.

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