Mission Zero +

Logoplaste pushes the boundary of innovation and partnered with Biomimicry 3.8, embark on a project to design plants for the future that are carbon neutral and regenerative.

Biomimicry 3.8 is the world’s leading bio-inspired consultancy working with change agents to design products, processes and systems using biological intelligence informed by 3.8 billion year of research and development in nature. The company’s nature inspired innovation methodologies deliver sustainable innovations that are life friendly and regenerative.

This ambitious project is called: Mission Zero+, where the main goal is to have a full functioning industrial plant with zero emissions while also generating positive impact to the employees that operate the facility, the local ecosystem and community.  Our intention is the air, water, soil and biodiversity in and around Logoplaste’s plants will be better because we are there.

Biomimicry 3.8 and Logoplaste will invite business partners to integrate the project. The full length of the supply chain needs to be involved to ensure a viable, long lasting, sustainable working solution. Additionally, Logoplaste is pleased to be part of Project Positive, a collaborative of global thought leaders including Interface, Ford, Google, Kohler and others working to together to demonstrate factories and facilities can be regenerative. 

To kick the first phase of Mission Zero+, a Pilot Conceptual Plant, will be designed to develop the concept and prepare the roll outs for the New Industrial Layouts.

Biomimicry 3.8 will help by employing their biomimicry design and Positive Performance methodology to develop a sustainable model inspired and informed by nature that delivers positive ecosystem services to create conditions conducive to life. This aligns with Logoplaste’s W2W (wall to wall) business model, that is currently the most sustainable way to operate.

Gerardo Chiaia, Logoplaste’s CEO, commented: “A company exists only because it has a social utility, it is the only basis for a sustainable and fair economy. I am very excited to partner with Biomimicry 3.8 on our Mission Zero+ Vision.”

​​​​​​​Dr. Dayna Baumeister, co-founder of Biomimicry 3.8, shared “we are thrilled to be in partnership with Logoplaste on this ground breaking work.  Logoplaste is recognized as a leader in using biomimicry for product design and innovation, by extending nature informed strategies to their facilities, they have the potential to demonstrate a positive and regenerative model is possible. This can transform how manufacturing facilities operate, monitor and measure their performance and impact.”


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For more information please contact:
Magda Merali
Internal Communications Coordinator


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