Logoplaste involved in Heinz HP product range

Heinz is introducing a more eco-friendly packaging across its HP sauce range as part of the plans to modernize the brand. To give the brown sauce a green twist, recyclable PET bottles will replace the current polypropylene plastic bottles next month. The labeling of the entire range will be re-launched to feature "more modern" look.

Logoplaste expanded the installed capacity at Elst to support the new bottle launch, relocating a 4th Kortec injection machine and installing a 4th new blowing and palletizing line to accommodate the expected growth, in a total investment of 9 Mio Euros. The supply agreement follows the same guidelines of the original contract creating the foundations to extend the existing relationship beyond 2014.

In the UK, the brown sauce category is currently worth £51 million, up 1% year-on-year. As the number one brand, worth over £37 million, HP Sauce is driving value growth.

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