Lightest Polybottle for milk

Arla Foods, in partnership with Logoplaste, developed the lightest two pint polybottle for milk in the UK, in a project that started in 2006. Arla and Logoplaste have also made progress on reducing the weight of six pint bottles. For the moment they are being produced at Stourton, where Logoplaste has a "hole in the wall" operation.

At the Stourton dairy six pint bottles are being produced four grammes lighter than the industry average of 70 grammes and at the Ashby dairy they are coming out even lighter at 65 grammes. Arla has also cutting the weight of its bottle caps from 2.3 grammes to 2 grammes - a reduction that works out at 122 tonnes less plastic a year.

Logoplaste works with Arla in the UK in the production of dairy packaging since 2003.

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