Internship at Logoplaste Guadalajara

David Duarte, Portuguese Trainee, shares his experience at Logoplaste Guadalajara - Spain, in a 6 month of internship program. 

After an initial run in Portuguese plants, David accepted the challenge to move to Spain, to Guadalajara, to learn a new production process and see how a fully automated plant works.

Having a degree in Mechanics, with a Masters in Production & Maintenance, Guadalajara has proven to be an incredible experience due to the plants in numerous automated processes.

Moving was not as hard as David initially thought. The plant’s team comes from different locations within Spain, so in a way, a great part of the team is away from home. This brings them all together at the end of the day and on weekends.

The language, although from a same Latin base, is harder. Especially when it comes to technical meetings, discussing details.

Completely integrated in the team and its daily chores, David has a long list of objectives, which range from the identification of energy saving opportunities, to process improvements, machine transformation to better suite Logoplaste’s needs, increase in efficiency. In other words,  improving what already exists.

Being fresh out of university, with an already previous work experience, David knows he is learning a lot but he also feels he can contribute with his knowledge. Basically, it is a win-win situation.


Loving the city and enjoying work.

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