Corporate television worldwide

Last year Logoplaste’s Internal Communications Department had a big challenge: to launch a corporate television program for the plants.

Why television? Because is it an appealing way to transmit information.

Broadcasted news looks good, information is short and straight to the point, strong images and exciting movies grab people’s attention. Content can be divided into programs, making it easy to organize the loop.

The objective was to deliver not only a global messages worldwide, but also to provide plants with a new channel for their plant specific information. As a multinational company, Logoplaste wanted to create more involvement with all its team, sharing the same corporate message at the same time.

One year later the results are very good.

Employees enjoy the new channel and are always up to date on what is going on worldwide.

A universal corporate TV project, with a centralized back office, is powerful solution making it very easy to manage and update.

Logoplaste has 12 official languages and broadcasts are localized for each country, but the message is always the same.

On top of the corporate loop, plants can upload their specific information which serves a double purpose. On the one hand, this content is relevant to the teams at that plant, so it makes the channel even more useful. On the other hand, people pay more attention to the global, corporate, information as they know  the broadcast also contains content that is relevant to their day-to-day work.

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