CADIn SUCCESS STORIES :: I am more confidant in his future

“At the age of 2, my son was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder by CADIn.

He was a good humor child, looking us in the eyes, seeking a hug and a kiss, nothing that would indicate his condition. What alerted me was the fact that he did not talk, point, respond when he was called. He did not talk, or communicate non-verbally.

Today, 1 year after having begun speech therapy, my son has developed a great verbal and non-verbal capacity to communicate. He make himself understood and understands what is being asked. He is more spontaneous and open to interactions. I have always been very positive, knowing things would somehow work out, but thanks to the support my son has at CADIn, I am now confidant in his future.

Without all the dedication, and specially, the care and affection from the CADIn’s team (medical staff, therapists, support technicians, reception team) my son would not have conquered so many victories in such short time.

All that a parent wants is for their children to be happy. I also desire autonomy for when he is older, so that he can grow into a confidant, self-sufficient adult.”

A mother’s testimony

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