HR metrics

Looking at our HR KPIs gives us a clear picture of where we stand

In 2023 our headcount increased by 4.2%, with 2 692 employees vs 2 584 employees in 2022 

This increase was mainly in the United Sates (51 out of 108 employees) due to growth in this region. We can also see an upward trend in Portugal, Poland and Mexico.

Total number of employees by region and gender

Region Female Male Total %
Americas 310 972 1 282 47.6%
Europe & AP 339 1 071 1 420 52.4%
Total 649 2 043 2 692 100.0%

Distribution of Logoplaste’s employee population continues to be balanced between The Americas (47.6%) and Europe & Asia Pacific (52.4%).

Total number of employees by region and contract type 

Contract type
Region Fixed Term Permanent Total
Americas 3 1 279 1 282
Europe & AP 91 1 319 1 410
94 2 598 2 692

Total number of employees by contract type and gender 

Contract Type  Female Male Total %
Fixed Term  27 67 94 3%
Permanent 622 1 976 2 598 97%
Agency Staff*      213.3  
Total** 94 2 598 2 692 100%

Total number of employees by employment type and gender 

Employment Type  Female Male Total %
Full-Time 637 2 030 2 667 99%
Part-Time 12 13 25 1%
Total 649 2 043 2 692 100%

* Temporary (average agency staff in 2023) 
** Only Logoplaste Employees, excluding agency staff 

There are no significant changes in gender ratio and employment contract type ratio, when compared to previous years. 

97% of our workforce has a permanent contract and fulltime employees continue to represent 99% of the workforce employment type. Increase of 36.7 FTE’s in agency staff when compared to 2022. 

These numbers demonstrate that Logoplaste is a good place to work, where long term relationships are valued. This is part of the secret to our success, where employment duration and signed contracts are a mark of your commitment to our team and vice-versa. 

Number and percentage of employees by gender, per employee category

Employee Category Female Male Total %
Operational & Technical 387 1 295 1 682 62.5%
Clerical & Office 54 21 75 2.8%
Professional 130 291 421 15.6%
Supervisory & Managerial 67 385 452 16.8%
Senior Management 8 39 47 1.7%
Executive 3 12 15 0.6%
Total Employees 649 2 043 2 692 100%

  Female Male
Ratio in Executive & Senior Management positions* 0.4% 1.9%
Ratio in Executive & Senior Management positions** 17.7% 82.3%


There are no significant changes in these categories. The ratio of women slightly increased, representing 24.1% of the total workforce in 2023 vs 23.3% in 2022. We can see a slight increase in ratio male/female in Executive & Senior Management from 17.5% in 2022 to 17.7% in 2023. 

*of Total headcount
**of Total Senior Management & Executive Positions

The majority of employees (62.5%) are in operational and technical roles. 

A small portion of the workforce (2.8%) is in clerical and office roles, and this is the category with a higher female representation: 54 females (72%) and 21 males (28%). 

We continue to focus our efforts in hiring a more balanced and gender-diverse workforce, as seen in the “new hire ratio” section. 

Number of employees by age category, gender, per employee category

  Between 18 & 30 y Between 31 & 40 y Between 41 & 50 y Between 51 & 60 y More than 61 y  
Employee Category Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Total 
Operational & Technical 76 301 121 386 122 328 58 212 10 68 1682
Clerical & Office 11 6 14 9 18 4 10 1 1 75
Professional 20 49 53 98 35 86 20 46 12 421
Supervisory & Managerial 6 21 22 106 21 133 13 99 5 26 452
Senior Management     2 2 3 18 1 17  2 2 47
Executive         2 7   4 1  1 15
Total 113 377 212 601 201 576 102 379 21 110 2 692
% 4.2% 14.0% 7.9% 22.3% 7.5% 21.4% 3.8% 14.1% 0.8% 4.1% 100.0%

Number of employees by age category and gender is very similar to previous years

Number of employees by age category and gender is very similar to previous years

Average age

Average age

Years old

Average tenure

Average tenure

Years of service

This shows a mature and experienced workforce, helping with training programs, knowledge sharing, and skills transfer within Logoplaste Operations. 

As stated in our Code of Conduct, Logoplaste respects the freedom of association, recognizes the right to collective bargaining, providing parallel resources for free and independent association and ensures that union members and representatives of workers are not subject to discrimination, and that such representatives have reasonable access to their members in the workplace.

Collective agreements by country and number of employees covered

Country Number of Employees  Collective Agreement Detail
Belgium 18 Commission Paritaire De L'Industrie Chimique (116) & Commission paritaire pour employés de l'industrie chimique (207)
Brazil 390 Convenção Coletiva dos Trabalhadores das Indústrias Químicas e Farmacêuticas
France 61 Convention Collective Nationale de la Plasturgie
Italy 33 Contratto Collettivo Nazionale Di Lavoro Industria Chimica
Portugal 416 Contrato Coletivo de Trabalho (CCT) do Setor Químico
Spain 70 Convenio Colectivo General De La Industria Química
Total 988 36.7%
Total Employees 2 692  

Keeping the team motivated in a very competitive market

Turnover Metrics 

*Turnover % is the calculation of the number of leavers during 2023, divided by the average headcount during the same period. 

Figures have been calculated based on the average number of Employees (average EE’s) during 2023, in relation to each geographical area, gender and age group. 

Turnover by region

Region Number of Leavers Average EE's  Turnover %
Americas 441 1 266.8  34.8%
Europe & AP 273 1  390.1  19.6%
Total 714 2 656.9  26.9%


Details by country can be consulted in document HR Metrics by Country

Comparing the 2023 turnover rate of 26.9%, to the 2022 rate of 29.3%, we see a reduction. This is a positive indicator of our efforts to enhance employee engagement and retention. However, the high turnover in the age group 18-30 years (42.6%) is a priority for HR initiatives.  

The number of leavers in 2023 decreased when compared to 2022: 714 leavers in 2023 vs 746 in 2022. 

The region with the highest turnover is the Americas, with the United States reaching 47.1% of turnover.  

The high turnover in France is primarily attributed to the closure of one of our plants in the region.  In Vietnam turnover was 37.9% and is expected to remain high in the upcoming years, as the country has increasing job opportunities within the industry.  

Although there has been a slight decrease in turnover, and despite our efforts, the industry faces high turnover rates. Factors such as the nature of shift work, the ongoing global skill shortage, and the intense competition for talent, are strong contributors.  

We are committed to addressing these challenges through targeted strategies, including improving employee engagement, comprehensive training programs, and competitive compensation packages, to improve retention and ensure a stable and motivated workforce. 

Male employees have a slightly higher turnover rate (27.2%) compared to female employees (25.9%). 

Turnover by gender

Gender Number of Leavers Average EE's  Turnover %
Female 161 621 25.9%
Male 553 2 036  27.2%
Total 714 2 657 26.9%


Turnover by age group and gender

Age group Female Male



Average EE's  Turnover %
Less than 18 yrs 0 0 0 0 0.0%
Between 18 & 30 yrs 46 162 208 487.8 42.6%
Between 31 & 40 yrs 61 174 235 800.9 29.3%
Between 41 & 50 yrs 30 120 150 766.7 19.3%
Between 51 & 60 yrs 18 74 92 469.1 19.6%
More than 61 yrs 6 23 29 132.4 21.9%
Total 161 553 714 2 656.92 26.9%

The highest turnover rate is observed in the 18-30 years age group at 42.6%. 

Turnover rates decrease progressively with age, with the lowest rates in the 41-50 and 51-60 years age groups, both at 19.6%. 

Employees aged more than 61 years have a turnover of 21.9%, mainly due to retirement reasons. This is a reality for Portugal, where employees have a high tenure in the company.  

The age group with the highest turnover is also the same with the highest hiring rate (53.5% of total hires), especially in Operations.  


New Hires Metrics 

*New Hires % is the calculation of number of starters during 2023, divided by the average headcount during the same period. 

Figures have been calculated based on the average number of Employees (average EE’s) during 2023, in relation to each geographical area, gender and age group. 

New hires by region

Region Number of New Hires Average EE's 
Ration New Hires %
Americas 404 1 266.8 39%
Europe & AP 312 1 390.1  22.4%
Total 806 2 656.9  30.3%


New hires by gender

Gender Number of New Hires Average EE's 
New Hires %
Female 211 621 34%
Male 595 2 036 29.2%
Total 806 2 657  30.3%


New hires by age group and gender

Age group Female Male Total New Hires Average EE's New Hires %
Less than 18 y 0 0 0 0 0.0%
Between 18 & 30 y 60 201 261


Between 31 & 40 y 68 203 271 800.9 33.8%
Between 41 & 50 y 54 111 165 766.7 21.5%
Between 51 & 60 y 23 64 87 469.1 18.5%
More than 61 y 6 16 22 132.4 16.6%
Total 211 595 806 2 656.9 30.3%


The number of new hires increased by 2% when compared to 2022 -more 15 new hires than in 2022.  

Female new hire ratio is 34.0%, which is slightly higher than the male new hire ratio of 29.2%. This shows our efforts to recruit more female employees contributing to a more balanced gender diverse workforce. 

As mentioned, the highest new hire ratio, is within the 18-30 years, at 53.5%, indicating a strong focus on recruiting younger employees. The significant hiring in the 31-40 years age group also indicates that we are targeting experienced professionals who can contribute immediately to our business. 

Countries with higher % of new hires were USA, Netherlands and United Kingdom. 

The overall new hire ratio is 30.3%, reflecting substantial recruitment activities across regions, genders, and age groups. 

When we look at new hires versus turnover, our pattern continues to be aligned with our industry peers. Job opportunities are abundant and candidates, with specific skillsets, are few. 

Plastic packaging is a competitive market for top talent people, especially in the Americas, with higher turnover and hiring rates. 

Constantly learning


Everyone at Logoplaste is a student and a teacher - it’s baked into who we are. The pace of innovation in our industry means every day is filled with new things to master. As you grow, we’ll be there for you with training, coaching, and opportunities for professional development. 

Every year we invest in Training & Development, aligning with our business priorities and growth. 

Training given by external entities, but also training on the job, knowledge sharing, online and face to face, coaching and mentoring, are some of the learning opportunities that are available for our employees. 

In 2023 our teams completed a total of 58 597 hours of training, with an average of 22.1 hours training per employee. This represents a decrease of 2.1% (3 422h) of training, when compared to 2022. 

Although we observed a decrease in the internal training hours, our total hours of external training increased by 23%, when compared to 2022. 

The Americas doubled the number of hours for external training vs 2022, which aligns with the higher turnover and new hires in this region. 

Our Performance Management System not only outlines the agreed annual objectives but also identifies learning and development activities to enable employee’s personal growth in current role and prepare them for future challenges. 


Internal and external training hours, by region

Region Internal (h) External (h) Total (h) % Total
Americas 37 488 11 577 49 064 83.7%
Europe & AP 4 865 4 668 9 533 16.3%
Grand Total 42 353 16 245 58 597 100.0%
  72.3% 27.7%    

Shaping careers all the way

Drive & focus

Personal development at Logoplaste is offered to everyone, all an employee needs to bring to the table is predisposition.  All that are ready to learn and want to build a career in manufacturing, Logoplaste will provide training, hands on practice, and opportunities. 

Different opportunities, plus our continued effort to improve employee experiences, shared knowledge, and career development are key to maintaining our talent pool. 

In 2023 we had a total of 41 internal transfers, 6 more than in 2022. 


41 Internal transfers

Inside Country

Inside Country

Between Countries

Between Countries

Note: *Internal Transfer is considered a change in position, with a change in location - either inside the same country or global mobility 

Keeping record, so you can be on track

Achieve, Performance Management System, is a fundamental process for Logoplaste. It is a key element for our employee’s growth and development.  

Achieve is implemented globally and there are two systems in place, for operational employees and another for technical, professional, managerial or executive employees. 

Ongoing processes include check-in conversations, communicating and clarifying responsibilities, priorities and performance expectations, to ensure mutual understanding between manager and employee. 

Achieve has 4 main stages
1 - Performance expectations setting
2 - Mid year review
3 - Employee self assessment
4 - Year end evaluation

Completion of Achieve by region 

Region Total (%)
Americas 78.2%
Europe & AP 63.1%
Total 70.3%


Detail by country can be consulted in document HR Metrics by Country


The overall percentage of employees with performance evaluations across all countries is 70.3%.   

There are noticeable country differences in the percentage of employees with performance evaluations.  

High performers are countries like Brazil, Portugal, United States, Canada – with a high percentage and a large number of employees. Ireland, Italy, and Luxembourg, also have effective performance evaluations, although with a lower number of employees. 

Countries with very low completion rates are Vietnam (1.2%) and Mexico (2.2%), followed by Poland (34.4%) and Spain (40.0%)

Remaining countries have high and very high completion rates.

Everyone has a voice. And it is heard…

Logoplaste SpeakUp Channel is an important channel for our teams to raise concerns that may not be easily resolved through other means, or face-to-face. 

Logoplaste promotes this whistleblowing platform through our internal channels, reminding employees that it is here for their wellbeing. The platform is accessible to all, in all countries and languages, through various means (phone, email, website), all the information is confidential and can be anonymous. Giving privacy to our teams is key. 

The cases reported cover a range of concerns, including Discrimination, Employee Relations, Conflict of Interest, Workplace Violence/Threats, Policy Issues, and Substance Abuse. This diversity highlights the importance of having a whistleblowing hotline to address various types of misconduct and ensure a safe and ethical work environment. 

A total of 12 cases were reported across different categories. While this represents a small fraction of the total workforce – 2 692 – each case was closed, as Logoplaste takes the whistleblower reports seriously, by investigating them and resolving issues (when applicable). 

12 concerns and enquiries were reported in 2023.

There was a significant decrease in the average number of days open for whistleblowing cases from 79 days last year to 26 days this year. Logoplaste has implemented more efficient processes for investigating and resolving whistleblowing cases, leading to quicker resolutions and outcomes.  

Among the reported cases, 8 were submitted anonymously, while 4 were identified.  

There is difficulty in investigating anonymous incidents. Logoplaste follows through and asks for more details, but anonymous whistleblowers rarely log in a second time to respond and help conclude the process. This tells us that, sometimes, the filled complaint may have been a spur of the moment, with high degree of emotion versus rationality, and once reported, the employee felt no need to follow-up.  

Incidents reported through SpeakUp Channel

  Number of Cases  Cases reviewed by Logoplaste  Cases Still Open end 2023 Cases Closed 
Accounting/Audit Irregularities        
Conflicts of Interest 1 1   1
Discrimination 3 3   3
Employee Relations  5 5   5
Falsification of Company Records        
Product Quality Concern        
Retaliation of Whistleblowers         
Substance Abuse         
Workplace Violence/Threats 1 1   1
Customer Relations         
Policy Issues  1 1   1
Release of Proprietary information        
Safety Issues and Sanitation         
Sexual Harassment         
Substance Abuse  1 1   1
Wage/Hour Issues         
Total 12 12 0 12
    100% 0% 100%

Employee Engagement Survey (EES)

Listening to what our team has to say is the only way to evaluate and measure how we are doing.

Case Study

Confidential and anonymous, these surveys cover a broad set of topics, giving top management a clear vision of what needs to be done. Most importantly, these surveys give every employee a way to express their views and help shape Logoplaste into a better company.

The overall progress of the action plan implementation, by end of 2023 was at 82%, indicating a significant level of achievement in addressing the areas identified for improvement based on the engagement survey. 

Safety and Fairness, Strategy Alignment, and Work/Life Balance have achieved 100% completion, showing a strong commitment to these aspects of employee well-being and organizational effectiveness. 

Communication and Pride and Fulfilment also show high levels of completion at 90% and 89% respectively, reflecting efforts to enhance communication channels and foster a sense of pride and fulfillment among employees. 

Compensation and Personal Development are areas where progress is above 79%, and with actions planned until end of 2024. 

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