
How the industry evaluates us

Logoplaste scored Gold in Ecovadis

We are in the overall top 5% and we are in the top 2% of our industry.

This is good news for us and we are very be proud. But we want to score higher next year…

Case Study

SBTi - Science Based Target Initiative

Logoplaste submitted its targets for SBTi.

The bar has been set high, just as we like it.

At Logoplaste we are already the most effective plastic packaging producer, but we want to have better performance in reducing our carbon footprint and being more eco-friendly.

Case Study

CDP - Management Level

CDP Platform is a global disclosure system for investors, companies, cities, states, and regions to manage their environmental impacts. It aims to make environmental reporting and risk management a business norm, driving measurement, disclosure, insight, and effective mitigation strategies. 

Case Study

The world’s economy looks to CDP as the standard of environmental reporting.  At Logoplaste we are keeping consistent, and in 2023 are scores remained the same as in 2022:

  • CDP Climate Change B
  • CDP Water Security B

Recognition also comes from within

The Marcel de Botton Sustainability Awards were implemented in 2022 in honor of our beloved Founder Marcel de Botton.

Case Study

In their second edition, the two awards recognize the plants with:

  • Best Performance – best overall results
  • Full Commitment – greatest improvement year over year

All Logoplaste plants are included and the competition is fierce. For 2023 the finalists were:


  • Pittston - USA
  • Pomezia - Italy
  • Mealhada - Portugal
  • Raposo Tavares - Brazil
  • Thurrock - UK


  • Cambrai - France
  • Chicago - USA
  • Elst - Netherlands
  • Thurrock - UK
  • Vilches - Spain

And the winners, the two plants for their outstanding efforts:

  • Logoplaste Mealhada Performance Award
  • Logoplaste Elst Commitment Award

In addition to the recognition, Logoplaste provides each winner with 25.000€ to be donated to a local charity of their choice.

While Mealhada and Elst led our efforts in 2023, our Sustainability Report shows that our commitment to a more sustainable future is global.

Follow the Finalists, and the Winners, on the day of the awards

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